Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I am born
After years of incubation
ready to share
the untold secrets
of my heart
finally arriving
at a place
where I try out  
my nascent voice
trembling I warble
a newly hatched bird
evoking my first sounds
bravely summoning forth
fledgling notes
through careful practice
to become my song
a song saved
through eons of longing
many intermittent lives
of heartbreak and transformation
here born again
on the back lit page
spun from a chrysalis
of dewdrop and sugar
of memory and letters 
of promises long abandoned 
words that cried out 
in the abyss of silence
I gave my power
to sing 
to others
here tonight
I raise my voice
in song
from a crypt
long buried
and covered
in a mass of spreading
lilly of the valley
watered by tears
pooling beneath nest 
deftly woven
of twig and sorrow
I spread my tiny wings
and prepare to fly
down to the tiny pool of tears
to drink and nurture
my infant voice 
finding the perfect note
I sing for myself

© alina enchanted 2012